Booking Manager: Stanwix Community Centre

This Online Booking System is primarily for one off and other ad hoc bookings by individuals and groups who aren’t members or regular bulk users. The standard booking rate is £15 per hour which is very competitive in comparison with similar facilities in Carlisle.

For all online bookings please submit your full payment via Paypal or alternatively contact our booking manager on 01228 272572 

Find an available date and time on the calendar for the community centre and complete the booking form.  Contact our booking manager on phone number 01228 272572 if you have any problems with a booking.

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Partially booked

Choose the start time and a finish time for your booking using the 2 drop down lists.

Minimum booking: 1 hour.

Our current standard hourly rate is £15 per hour, with regular users receiving discounts for their loyalty and support. Please pay the full amount to secure your booking

Choose a Start Time:

Choose an End Time:

Now please let us know who you are and where you are contactable so that we can confirm your booking and get hold of you if there is a problem that would affect your booking.

First Name (required):

Last Name (required):

Email (required):

Address (required):


Post code(required):




Please let us know how many people are coming and the anticipated breakdown of adults and children or people in need of competent adult supervision.

Children: How Many Children?:

Adults: How Many Adults?:


“After all the hard work of the SCA committee a few years ago, we like to think that Stanwix Community Centre is a lovely venue to book for your activities”

Contribute a Little Bit to Help Maintain the Community Centre

The Community Centre in Stanwix has been transformed inside and out. Our users are commenting on what a lovely functional community hall we have for this part of Carlisle. As we work to make the centre available for communal activities, we also need to allow for wear and tear. So any amount that you can chip in via good ol’ Paypal (or any other means) would be much appreciated.