Links To Useful Resources and Helpful Businesses

This is a very simple list of useful information and services that have been helpful to the SCA over the years that we have worked to improve the community centres; and general useful places to get community related information from.

Community Information

Cumberland Council New Website

Cumberland Council Community Services

Stanwix Primary School

Helpful Businesses

 ClimbHigh SEO – Digital marketing support over the last decade to help us with our website, including managing the most recent update.

Contribute a Little Bit to Help Maintain the Community Centre

The Community Centre in Stanwix has been transformed inside and out. Our users are commenting on what a lovely functional community hall we have for this part of Carlisle. As we work to make the centre available for communal activities, we also need to allow for wear and tear. So any amount that you can chip in via good ol’ Paypal (or any other means) would be much appreciated.

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Stanwix Community Centre Booking Calendar

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Partially booked